Slackware Linux Donation Page
(OFFICIAL Slackware Linux Donation)

[ 14.1 32bit ] [ 14.1 64bit ] [ 14.2 32bit ] [ 14.2 64bit ] [ 15.0 32bit ] [ 15.0 64bit ] [ Raspberry Pi ]
This site contains packages that I have built for my own needs. Most of the packages are built from SlackBuilds (indicated by 'SBo').
For best results, before using my packages, try and build your own package with a SlackBuild script.

If you install one of my packages and it does not work, start the application from a console window and see what other packages you are missing. Any dependent packages, other than stock Slackware packages, should be in my repository.
NECESSARY ANNOYING MESSAGE: PLEASE do not scrape this site! Scrapers are KILLING my bandwidth.

This is NOT an official Slackware site. I am NOT affilated with Patrick Volkerding. I am a long-time Slackware user who is sharing the fruits of his efforts.